Speed Limit Signs /
Color of Changeable Message Legend
December 22, 2013 – The 2009 MUTCD compliant date for all Speed Limit Signs (R2-1) – If a changeable message sign displaying approach speeds is installed, the legend YOUR SPEED XX MPH or such similar legend should be displayed. The color of the changeable message legend should be a yellow legend on a black background or the reverse of these colors
Yield Sign Requirements
The following indicates the YIELD SIGN requirements to meet the 2009 MUTCD Code for signs that fall under the regulations of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
Compliance dates:
January 17, 2011 (a) – 2B.09 – Changes in YIELD sign application criteria from the 1988 MUTCD to the 2003 MUTCD.
December 22, 2013 (b) &
Standard Regulatory Sign Sizes
December 22, 2013 is the implementation date for the 2009 MUTCD increased sign sizes for Regulatory Signs.
Quoted MUTCD Standards
Section 2B.03 Size of Regulatory Signs
01 Except as provided in Section 2A.11, the sizes for regulatory signs shall be as shown in Table 2B-1.
02 Section 2A.11 contains information regarding the applicability of the various colum
January 17, 2011 (a) is the compliance date for retroreflective strips on grade crossing (crossbuck) sign (R15-1) and Number of Tracks Plaque (R15-2P) at active and passive grade crossings.
The 2000 Edition of the MUTCD states that retroreflective strips should be placed on the back of railroad crossing signs (crossbuck) and on both the front and back of the vertical posts or mountings to be visible to approachin
History of the MUTCD
The following information is summarized from an article on the FHWA website referenced from research published by H. Gene Hawkins, Jr. and published at the Institute of Transportation Engineers website. The 1900’s brought economic affluence and the automobile to America, and soon families were venturing further from home on weekend outings. Quite often, people would bec
What is the MUTCD?
MUTCD stands for the”Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.” The purpose of the MUTCD is to set minimum standards for all Traffic Control Devices used on U.S. roads and highways. Traffic Control Devices (TCD) include all road signs, highway markings, electronic traffic signals, railroad crossings, and road-way construction zone areas. State and local transpor
It is easy to read through the MUTCD and skim past the reference numbers included in the text. The reference numbers point to other information within the manual which may provide more specific information or exceptions to the standard you need. Learning how to read the reference numbers is important and will help you find complete answers more quickly.
The following information is useful when reference is bein
The following chart indicates the minimum requirements for retro reflective sheeting and tape required to meet the 2009 MUTCD Code for road signs that fall under the regulations of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
Compliance dates:
January 22,2012 – Section 2A.08 – Implementation and continued use of an assessment or management method
FHWA / MUTCD Implementation Deadline Dates
The MUTCD provides specific guidelines for new regulations, as well as implementation dates. The dates for implementing the new 2009 MUTCD regulations extend through 2019. The following table provides a basic calendar of dates for the new requirements. Pay careful attention to the items and dates listed below. The information includes: the 2009 MUTCD Section
Lateral Offset
January 17, 2013 is the MUTCD compliance date for crash-worthiness of sign supports on roads with posted speed limit of 50 mph or higher.
Quoted 2009 MUTCD Standards
Section 2A.19 Lateral Offset
01 For overhead sign supports, the minimum lateral offset from the edge of the shoulder (or if no shoulder exists, from the edge of the pavement) to the near edge of overhead sign supports (canti